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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Design for Snowzville

Hey guys, i made a design for snowzville. Here it is:

Click on it to make it bigger.


Friday, December 25, 2009

Contest Update!

The contest ends tonight in 20 minutes but, we will be accepting all entries until 7:00 am eastern time (USA). So make sure you enter quick!!

About that competition...

Heyya guys! I'm sure you remember about when Antguy815 informed you for a competition... well it's back on!

I understand that it's like impossible to leave comments, so please email me in the picture link to the side. This is what it looks like:

Just click on that (not this picture right here, but the picture that looks like this to the side below antguy815's chobots tracker) and it will take you to an email form, and from there you can submit your form.

I made new questions :) And there's more harder and more questions now... MWAHAHAHAHA!

In your message body, Please just include the answers to the questions, labeling them from 1-6 :):

1. What is the company that runs chobots?
2. Name 8 moderators of chobots.
3. Name 15 agents.
4. Explain in a sentence or so how Jessie2000 and Chobot became moderators (Common sense, pretty much)
5. What is both Julz and Antguy's favourite colour?
6. What was the first post on chobots universe's title? (It is possible to find out this answer, just look back in the history of chobots universe posts)

Remember the prize is a 1 month citizenship... and it will be antguy that will be paying for it and giving it out :)

xoxo Julz

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Thanks doll :D


xoxo Julz

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Well, one of my friends sent me a message saying: new rule: you can't delete membership items.
So i tested it out and this is what happened:
(click on the picture to enlarge)
Isn't that weird? I wonder why they did that.


New Winter Items!

Hey guys,
They put new items in the shop!! Here they are!

Stocking Backpack

Russian Hat

Santa's Backpack

Christmas Tree Outfit


Aren't they cool items? I hope that polar bear suit that canab had on is gonna come out. To see it go on smurfet's blog.
5 days until Christmas!!
Chobots full screen is now out!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

My christmas card!

Hi everyone!,

Here's my christmas card to jessie. I hope she likes it hahaha.

Only 6 more days until Christmas!!!!

Agents getting kick button?

So I was about to draw one of my friends on the wall... when an... interesting happening occured...

You know about the whole clicking on someone and near the button where your mouse is it will say "trade"?
Well, when I put my mouse on the opposite side of the closing the playercard button and got this...

Creepy, huh?
I was FREAKING out! xD!

xoxo Julz

Monday, December 14, 2009

Me, Julz, and Carmelina's 1 year party!!

Hey Guys! Me, Julz, and Carmelina are turning a year old in a couple days and were gonna have a partay!!! Here's the info:

When: December 22nd
Where: Moon-walk
Location: Park
Time: 21:00 Chobots time

Also, A moderator might come and do lots of magic!


After the sign went away, I logged on chobots and the chobots team put in a new bugs exchange catalog. Now they are selling:

50,000 bugs: $7.99
100,000 bugs: $13.99
300,000 bugs: $29.99

Why 300,000? Don't ask me I have no clue lol.

Also, Chocolate and Vanilla are gone? Are they coming back? once again, Don't ask me I have no clue hahahah.


New Chobots?

Hey guys. I'm staying home from school today cause I'm sick. But, I tryed to log onto chobots and this came up:

I wonder whats going on.


P.S. My new video on youtube will be coming out today. Keep checking my channell if you want to watch it.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

My Snowzville Contest Entry!

Hey guys! Here is my entry for the snowzville contest! Hope you like it!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

New Item!!

Hey guys! There's a new item in the shop! IT'S JESSIE'S BUTTERFLY WINGS!!! They cost 300,000 bugs though lol. Heres a pic of them:
Also, they are custom color and even non-citizens can have them!

Also, Julz accedently made a mistake with the motercycle suit, It's really 500,000 bugs not 50,000.


Thursday, December 10, 2009


Hey guys!

Julz here... well duh.

Anyways, let's get one thing straight before I post... I AM NOT THE MASTER OF THIS BLOG.
I barely even post. If anything, antguy is the master!

Soo... there's some awesome updates!

New homepage! X-MAS THEMED! i. heart. it.

Also, new animation when you log on... also something i heart!

You can now exchange money for bugs!

You can find this here:

New items in shop! A really cool santa hat, (it's not the beta one, sorry guys lol) A REALLY expensive and rare racer outfit. It's 500,000!!! The only 2 chobots I saw with it on is Crust and Chobot. Also, and last, is this ADORABLE hat! Everyones wearing it ^.^

There's also an item for people who get on the top 100 robots list. It's a super cool flag. If you see anyone with this flag, congratulate them :D

Now last and not least there's this if you appear in the top 10, you get this shirt thing :)

How awesome are these updates?!

xoxo Julz

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New Park and New Shop Catalog!

Sorry for not posting in a while. I was really busy with a GIANT math project :/.
There's a new Catalog in the shop that contains citizenship items! But they cost real money :(
But atleast you can get them now!

Here are the items and their prices:
Dog Mask- $4.99
Vampire Mask- $4.99
Dragon Mask- $4.99
Strawberry Backpack- $4.99
Carrot Backpack- $4.99
Halloween Pumpkin Outfit- $9.99
Mimo Flag- $9.99
Hellicopter Hat- $9.99
Mummy Suit- $9.99
Metal Ninja Suit- $9.99
Jetpack- $14.99
Ice Wings- $14.99
Fire Wings- $14.99
Skeleton Outfit- $14.99
Pirate Outfit- $14.99

Also there is a new Christmas Themed park!!!! Here's what it looks like:

Also, Chothrow is for non-citizens now too!


Have you noticed this pattern?

I'm sure several of you loveeeee rain, am I right? (Personally I think it makes chobots go wild and weird and I don't nessecarily love it, but yeah)

Well did you notice jessie, at the end of all her rains, does love shirts? Here's a pic to proof; :)

Weird huh? Any other things on cho you notice (doesn't have to be bout rain) tell me your cho name and what you noticed i'll post it ;)

xoxo Julz

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


YAY!! I won a paintbrush from the christmas art contest!! Here's a pic:
Thanks Jessie!!!!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Christmas Art Entry!

Here's mt entry for Jessie2000's Christmas Art Competition!

Click on it to make it bigger

Hope you like it!


Friday, November 27, 2009

Clothes Updates!

Yo dudes and dudettes,

I haven't been posting in a whilee.... very busy :) as well on my computer it takes 3 minutes to upload a pic... im not that patient ROFL

But there's new items in the shop! Cause they rotated with the catalog

Pie shirt! Rain is now an item in the shop... theyve done that once or twice before ;)

Snazzy Polka dotted dress!

Eskimo outfit! Tis we were waiting for this for a while :)

Hope you enjoy the new outfits! I do!

xoxo Julz

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

200th Post!!! New items in the shop!

Hey guys! This is the 200th post me and Julz made!! and also there are new items in the shop!!

A Corn Backpack! and a Turkey Outfit!!!


Happy Thanksgiving!

My paintings!

Hi guys! i just wanted to show u these 2 paintings i made. Do you like them? Post a comment!

Painting of Hiki
Painting of Smurfet


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Awesome Painting

Look at this cool painting by Guguzi!
Awesome job!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Smurfet at the Academy Street!!!

Smurfet was at the academy today. He left right before I posted this btw lol. It was really fun.
Here's the stuff he turned us into:
-Motorcycle Outfits

Here's the magic he did:
-He turned everything blue, red, grey, purple, black, and pink
-He rained:
---Cat masks
---Moon walk Magic
---100 Hamburgers Inside
---Giant Magic
---Teleport--- AND SMURFET SHIRTS!!!

It was an awesome party
here's some pictures:

Thanks Smurfet!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Yay robots are out!! Arent they awesome? I love them they are so cool!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hey check out my youtube channel!

Hi everyone. Check out my chobots youtube channell!:

This is my wiglington and wenks channell:


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wiglington and wenks official awesomeness youtube database!

Err yeah.


Hope you enjoy :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Freakz email!

Ok guys, remember about the virtual world me and julz might make? well we made emails for it. here they are:

For questions about freakz please email:

To reserve a name or send an application to be a sheriff (those are going to be agents) please email:

To receive updates on freakz please email:

For anything else please email:


Robots are coming!

Guess whats happening next week! Robots! They are finally getting released into chobots!! woot! Thanks chobots team!! Also, they redesigned the rockemall street. Here is the before and after:



*This pic is from the chobots blog*

Say goodbye to the old rockemall street :(


Thursday, November 12, 2009

OpTiClE iLlUsIoN!

My brother has a cd and the cover is an optical illusion. it's really weird. just click on the picture and if you move your eyes and head around it looks like its moving. Try It!

My entry

Here is the picture for my entry to deli's robot contest. Hope you like it!


New Wardrobe!

There is a new wardrobe feature that came out today! It helps organize clothes. On each tab, there are different types of items. It's very helpful. Thanks Chobots team!!

*The new wardrobe feature is circled in the picture*
*Click on the picture to make it bigger*

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hey Guys!

Here's a banner i made for Green on you should go on it if you've never seen it before. Beta just opened so we get to go on now.

Hope you like it green!


Friday, November 6, 2009

LOTS of connection errors XD

Wow, can you guys tell me how many times you got this?:

Hmm.. could this mean... ROBOTS? :O

xoxo Julz

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hola everyone!! hahaha

I just made a new blog! I'm going to make magic shows on chobots for now on because I did it once and everyone liked it so it gave me an idea! heres the link:

Keep checking in on magic show times!! I will post them early so you get a heads up!

Prepare for giant amounts of turkey!!! lol (Thanksgiving is coming :O),

New Item!!

Hey guys! there's a new TNT backpack that just came out today! it's pretty cool but you cant see it from the front. Heres a couple of pictures of it:

Hope you had a fun Halloween! and don't eat to much candy! hahaha,

Monday, November 2, 2009

New Citizenship Items!!

There are new citizenship items!! If you want those clothes you have to get the citizenship! here they are:

(Click on the pic to make it bigger)


Answer for common question: What is the day for the party for Guy Fawkes?

Here's your answer:

xoxo Julz

VERY cool new magic! :D

This is one of the coolest magic...
Although there are other mods that can do extreme magic, such as make chobots flip and go in straight lines, this is JUST as awesome.

Jessie2000 (Mod of chobots and owner of her cool blog) introduced us to a new magic today (as you just heard ^_^)
It is where she dresses you in rare clothes!
No, you do not get to keep it ^_^ but you get to see what it looks like on you. And it's just really cool! :D

Here's a bunch of pics i took :)

epic, eh?

xoxo Julz