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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Space racing winners

The space racing conetest is over a here are the results!!!

We have kiki 777 in first!!!
ginmom in second!!!
newy82 in third place!!!
I congradulate all the the winners and everybodey who tried!


There is new things on the academy button!

Thats right if you click the academy button in the top right corner there are 11 new facts about diferent things!


weird chobot happenings!

Weird snail guy without clicking the
question mark POPS UP!

Hi, I'm KrazyAdam, I'm part of this blog!

Hi! I'm Krazy Adam! Here's some things about me.
My favorite...
Color is: Blue
Food is: Pizza
Place to hang out: Movies
Game: Chobots, DUH!

Chobot's on vanilla!

Chobot is on vanilla! Hurray!

Quick, he's still there!

Chistochab is back!

Chistochab is back and you can go get his outfit by clicking on him. Go get the trash!!!! ha ha ha.


Everyone was Red at the Park!

My friend invited me to the park saying everyone was red. I had no clue what was going on but i went and I took a picture of all the red people. Here it is:



At the Shop Street everyone was Chlos! It was really weird. But it was cool too ha ha ha!
