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Saturday, August 15, 2009

More pics from Antguy815s party + LONG review. xD

As you know, and as I told you, Antguy815 was going to have a birthday party... and ALRIGHT he did. We played games, had contests (reaperzard, i believe, was the one who won alot of contests) and just chilled out. Lot's of "spread the magic" was going on as well. Not only did this party have a TON of people, including a mod! Give it up for PrimaryGames! Yep, THE mod PrimaryGames dropped by due to Antguy815's magical powers to get a mod to arrive! WOW! Yep, so anyway... if you weren't at this party, you totally missed out. Whats this? I'm is near 250 days old? I sense a party coming soon. xD

Here's some pics I took, and hopefully *if you went to the party* you have a blast, as well as I did! Without further delay, here's the pics.

Sorry that I only took two. Thanks for viewing! :)

P.S: If you were at the party, post a comment what you think of it. Heck, rate it from 1-10!



Pictures for Hiki

Hello I just wanted to show some

pictures that people drew for Hiki!

Well thats all of them so bye!

Hiki's birthday party

Hello everyone as you all know today was Hiki's 300 days old birthday party! Here is a pic of what it looked like. As you can see the floor is coverd in stars which i though was really cool!

Chopix is back!

Guess what everybody. Chopix is back! So go get those spies. Here's some information about his mission. First you have to click on him and accept the mission. next put on the glasses he gives you or else it wont work because you can see the spies! Now you need speed, teleport, a board or rocket boots. next you have to find a spy and when you do you have to walk over them which freezes them and then you pick them up and take them to chopix! You have to find five. And for every spy you capture you get 50 bugs that is unless your a citezen but if you are a citezen you get 100 bugs! When you find all 5 spies you get 1000 if your not a citezen and 2000 if you are a citezen! Well thats all the info for now so bye!

House contest!

Hello there fellow chobots i'd be happy to inform you that tommarow a house contest starts! It's simple all you have to is make you house all cool and decorate it! It starts tommarow at 20:00 chobot time!

Thanks everyone for coming to my birthday party!

Thanks everyone who came to my birthday party! it was fun. We even got primarygames to come. I told u i would get a mod to come! :) Heres a pic!


Are YOU going to Antguy815's party?

WHEN: 23:00

Please where proper acquire. That would be:

B-day shirt or
any other rained shirt.


Comment RSVP or just GO if you want to. It's going to be SUPER fun, TRUST ME!!!

P.S: I'll keep you updated. ;)


One phonoemonal PAR-TAYY!

I, Julz, visited the moonwalk cafe for hikis b-day party.
So... in-deedy it was a part extrodinarre!

1. Hiki Shirts
2. B-day shirts
3. Love shirts
4. Candy to make you big xD

P.S: Tell me your feedback on the party!
