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Thursday, October 1, 2009

My awesome drawing!

I made a cool drawing of The Agents badge and wrote gratz to the new agents on it. Here it is:

But then someone scribbled it out and wrote SUCK IT on my drawing. His name was Torito3. Here's proof:

Click on the pics to make them bigger

Jessie's Party! :D

So now Jessie2000 likes to rain... and this was her test party. :)

She rained 15 different things.
1. Teleport
2. Star magic balloon thingy lol
3. Peace Shirts
4. Trousers
5. Half Buttoned Jacket things
6. Star glasses
7. Promotion Magic
9. 100 Hamburgers Inside
10. Speed pill
11. Love shirts
12. Magic Lantz
13. 500 shirts
14. Spread the magic!
15. Big head (Braniac Pill)

xoxo Julz