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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Not what i call a "900 followers party!"

Oh, no! Hiki's done it again... left in mid-party time! That's like 2-3 times in a row now.. is her party flava non-everlasting!? Yes, there was 3 mod magics.
1. We were all VERY TINY
2. Background was black & white
3. it rained american flags.

But let's not get all excited about the mod-magic... we should be saying... hiki, your here! but before i got to... she left!

Alright, i give Hikikomori my sympathy, for she had TONS of people arive at her party, but she kept confusing me, with the fact that she'd hop on every server and then hop off.

Since there wasn't much of a... party... i didn't get to take any pics. Sorry guys.

What'd you think of the party? Comment, rate from 1-10, etc. <333
