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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

HA HA HA best name ever!

I was at the magic shop today and I found a person named sirpoopinmounth. I think thats the best name ever. ha ha ha. GO SIRPOOPINMOUTH!ha ha.


Huge house party!

I had a huge house party today there was so many people. There were more than this though because this picture was taken twords the end of the party. I have partys a lot but Theres no point of putting them on the blog because not a lot of people go on it. I wonder how I get a lot of people to go on the website.

It rained disco magic on the cafe street today but there was no mod there it was weird.


I went to the underground and Chobot was there! A bunch of people started crowding around him (i hate when people do that) but i still got a picture. Here it is:
