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Saturday, August 15, 2009

More pics from Antguy815s party + LONG review. xD

As you know, and as I told you, Antguy815 was going to have a birthday party... and ALRIGHT he did. We played games, had contests (reaperzard, i believe, was the one who won alot of contests) and just chilled out. Lot's of "spread the magic" was going on as well. Not only did this party have a TON of people, including a mod! Give it up for PrimaryGames! Yep, THE mod PrimaryGames dropped by due to Antguy815's magical powers to get a mod to arrive! WOW! Yep, so anyway... if you weren't at this party, you totally missed out. Whats this? I'm is near 250 days old? I sense a party coming soon. xD

Here's some pics I took, and hopefully *if you went to the party* you have a blast, as well as I did! Without further delay, here's the pics.

Sorry that I only took two. Thanks for viewing! :)

P.S: If you were at the party, post a comment what you think of it. Heck, rate it from 1-10!



em said...

awesome! wish i could've been there... happy birthday ant! lol
comment u latah,