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Sunday, April 18, 2010

See ya guys!

Our goodbye banner is up there!
Hey guys. This is the last post on Julz and I have decided to quit chobots. Here's julz's post: I really hate to leave, but I'm more busy than I've ever been. And plus, I think I'm getting a little too old to be on a kid's game. And I think it's time for me to be more mature than I used to be. I'm starting an entire new life (Surprisingly it starts out with me quitting chobots lol) and hopefully it will be a good one. My 482 days on chobots were awesome, but they have to come to an end. And a total of 264 posts on our blog! Woah! I'll really miss everyone. But I'll visit once in a while, maybe once or twice a week. See ya!

You can talk to me on skype too. My username is Antguy815

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Game Hopefully Coming out soon!

Hey guys. I was looking at kymasters blog and he posted about a game that could possibly come out sometime in the future. He said it doesn't have a name so he calls it chowheel hahaha. Here's a pic of it:

To play the game, go to
To see how to play the game, go to kymasters blog:
Follow his blog if you want when your looking about the game.

Also, the poll results for my new outfit came in, and it was outfit #1 that won. If you think I should change it to my other one, pc me or send me a message on chobots.


Poll Ended!

Hey guys. Here are the poll results:
1st place- Chocolate! with 11 votes!
2nd place- Vanilla! with 6 votes!
3rd place- Pie City! with 5 votes!
Vote on the new poll!! Also, the new thing with polls is that there will be a new one every three days, instead of every week like we used to do.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

New outfit!

Hey guys. I was thinking of changing my outfit. But, I want to see what you guys think. So look at these two outfits, and tell me which one I should wear by voting on the new poll ---->

UPDATE: poll is now gone

Friday, April 9, 2010

My Clubzoran Design

I made a robot design for club zoran. Here it is:

Here's clubzoran's website:
Go on it if you want to work there or just want to check it out. (It's a new virtual world coming out)

Poll Winners!

Hey guys. We had 34 votes on the poll!!! Since you were allowed to choose more than one answer, we got 79! Here are the winners:

1st Place- BLUE with 13 votes
2nd Place- PINK with 11 votes
3rd Place- BLACK with 9 votes

Now it's time for a new poll. VOTE ON IT!!


New Clothes in the shop and new coming soon item!

Hey guys! There's new items in the shop!!! Here they are:

1) 100,000 bugs
2) 300,000 bugs
3) $9.99
4) $12.99
5) $4.99

Also there's a new item in the coming soon catalog in the citizen HQ. Isn't it cool?

It looks like it's gonna be a hoverboard. What do you think?


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Smurfet and team 500 followers party!!

Hey guys! Smurfet and his blog team are having a party tomorrow (April 9th) at 11:00 chobots time at the academy street.

The party starts at these times:

U.S. Eastern-7:00 am

U.S. Central- 6:00 am

U.S. Mountain- 5:00 am

U.S. Pacific- 4:00 am

Alaskan Time- 3:00 am

Hawaiin Time- 1:00 am

United Kingdom, Portugal, and Ireland- 12:00 pm

Central Europe- 1:00 pm

Eastern Europe- 2:00 pm


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cool Illusions!

Hey guys. Look at these awesome Illusions I found. The last 3 look like they're moving but they really aren't hahaha



A lot of people have been saying I date. And i DO NOT!!! I would never do that because 1) It's disgusting, 2) It's against chobots rules, 3) It is just plain weird and creepy.

So, if you think I date, I don't.


Chobots with Stayale! hahaha

Don't these chobots have cool outfits? (Click the picture to enlarge it)


We have almost 100 followers! Hopefully we'll get 100 followers soon and we'll have a party!

Friday, April 2, 2010

eh... lecture time

so yeah guys you all know i got de agented...

it was for "dating" (that's y chow got de agented too) which i did not do on cho! it is completely unfair that now i have a reputation of that (now that a mod has told everyone several times outloud in cafe street -.-) but i guess ill just let it leave it rite there before it gets any worse. but; wut is not cool, is how many people asking me, "WHY DID YOU DATE?" could you atleast have the courtesy to private chat me?! its humiliating enough getting crowds yelling and questioning at me about my de agentness!! it is very upsetting seeing my playercard with nothing on it as it is!!! atleast i still have my friends... i guess i should just leave it like this: its just a badge. i just laughed anyway [like the wacko i am] when i saw my status was no longer agent xD

you all know mimja rite? he quit days after he got de agented. im not going to quit... that may be either good news or bad news to you, depending if you hate me or not.. :P anyway, if i did quit, it just gives the wrong messages out that im a coward.. which i *hopefully* guess im not. if you wanna see how bad it gets, just look at the pics below...

all im asking for is for you guys to learn to respect people! these crowds and the insults are just.. uncool. i want to able to go to cafe street without being bombarded with this kind of stuff. im just asking you in a polite*ish* way to stop it. just.. cut it. i understand it's some nice gossip, but if you could just be so kind and not say it to my face? kthanks.

thankyou adora, atena, xoxo_emily, zandii, milerz, purp, ben, kaicooper, and all u other peoples for gettin my back; thankyouuu(:

im going to work extra hard as anyone else to get my badge back. trey (chobot) told me and chow its possible to get our badges back... so here i go.. wish me luck. once again. -.-

xoxo julz

New Clothes!!

Hey guys, the chobots team realeased a bunch of new clothes today! Here they are:
1) 8,000 bugs
2) 5,000 bugs
3) 3,000 bugs
4) 4,000 bugs
5) 8,000 bugs
6) 8,000 bugs
7) 5,000 bugs

I hope everyone likes the new clothes!!


Happy Good Friday!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Party All Day This Sunday!!

All day this sunday, (April 4th) There's gonna be an Easter Party all day! Moderators will come to places at different times throughout the day and use magic and maybe rain special easter items? I hope they do! hahahaha! Here's a flyer for the party. I got it from the main chobots blog:



JULZ AND CHOW GOT DEAGENTED!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! i dont know why but they did!! EEEEEK julz is gonna be so upset when she comes home from school today!!!!


My Drawing

Hey guys. Here's my drawing for the easter competition. I hope you guys like it!


New Membership Items and some other news!!

Hey guys. Look at the new membership items!

Cool Huh?

Also, (I couldn't find it) there's a new agent badge in the shop! I'm pretty sure agents that are citizens can only buy it and view it.

Chopix is back too! Go find him at the park!

New Garabage Collector Contest also!!


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

wutss goinnn on w/ chobots???

hey guyssss.
so im here to post bout a few interesting topicsss |:

mk, so first of all, as you all know our bestie ziggles has left us.
if you have no idea who ziggles is, this is him.

you can go on deli's blog to see why he left us on cho.

second of all, mai bestie purp got de agented.

it wasnt her fault, it was a backstabber's fault. i cant discuss the topic because that'd just be cruel for me to bring it up again, but it wasn't even chobots related. it's so depressing seeing her badge gone ;(

here's a heads up on backstabbers. you guys must trust no one, -sigh- even your best friend! i have got backstabbed so much trusting people... including my own besties. you have to learn to trust no one but yourself, and keep things to yourself. otherwise, you're screwed. backstabbers are only powerful when you have your back turned, but they can do a HECK of alot of damage. please watch out, there are really mean people out there. dont say i didn't warn you! D:

last of all... im sorry i havent posted in like forever. ive been really busy with school stuff because if i get a c im not allowed on the computer for like ever. so lets cross our fingerss? (:

have a great day. (:

xoxo julz

Monday, March 29, 2010

New Banner!

Hey guys! Check the new banner out! I made it a little while ago. Also, julz should be putting in a new music playlist soon so keep checking in! Happy Spring!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

ClubZoran Design

Hey guys. I just wanted to share my club zoran design with you. Here it is:

What do u guys think of it?

Vote on the new poll!!!


Clubzoran website:

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Agent Contest Designs

Hey guys, Here are the designs i made for the agent catalog designing contest. I hope u guys like them!


No Post in 10 Days!

Hey guys, me and julz are really sorry we haven't posted in a while. We're really busy with school and other things. But here's the new items that recently came out.

Turtle Outfit! - In the outfit catalog. - 300,000 bugs - Custom Color!

New Anime Masks! - In the Masks Catlog - Both are 100,000 bugs - Custom Color Hair!

#1 #2
New Speed Magic! (It rains speed magic) - In the wizard items catalog -$19.99

Cool items huh? Hopefully more will come soon!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Club Zoran!

Hey guys, check out this website:

I work for this and I hope it comes out soon. Club Zoran is a virtual world that is coming out sometime in 2011 or 2012. Check out the blog! You can apply for a job too.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sneak Peek to new drawing!

Hey guys, Here is the collection of the chobots moderators drawings i made:

I hope you guys liked them all! Also, I'm going to redo them all and make them look AWESOME!

I should be done the next collection by March 21st, but I'll try to finish it fast. Here's the sneak peak to the 4th drawing of Smurfet, Chobot, and Sonorus!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New agents! :D

So you all see on the official chobots blog that there's a few new agents.
Congrats to-

3Omar2! my skypey friend! i talk to this guy alot, he is epic.

Adora! hehe great fashion sense and such a chill awesome friend :p

Dianamisaki! shes so sweet and her videos are too ^^ check them out.

Newy82! Whenever there's a contest going, i always see an entry from newy! he's a really cool guy.

3looi! Well, I gotta say, I barely knew this guy till recently. He's a very nice friend ^^

Coffee2353! This guy didn't get on the poll, but 1 or 2 day(s) before it came out he became an agent. he's quite popular and a very great artist ^^

Smartdetective! this guy is the only new agent thats not on my list so i took a pic of him in one of his vids o.o lol hes very nice to talk to and has hilarious vids. check them out!

Grats to all the new agents. You're all such wonderful friends :D

xoxo Julz

(P.S: The links on blogger are wierd, and if they didn't work here's the adress of the links.

Official Chobots
Dianamisaki's Vids-
Smartdetective's Vids-

New Citizenships items and a new poll!!!

Hey guys, I forgot to post about the new citizneship items! Well, here they are:
Also there's a new poll about the citizenship items! If you have any ideas for a new poll, you can email me and Julz at


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Doll Masks Released!

Hi everyone. Guess what? The new doll masks are finally out! Here's a picture of them:
They're also custom color! But they cost 100,000 bugs! That's a lot isn't it? I guess you have to work hard to get one! You can find them in the eco shop in the masks catalogs.


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sneak Peak to my next drawing!

Hola peoples. Here's a sneak peak to my next drawing:

I hope this one gets posted on the main blog too! The next drawing is going to be of PrimaryGames, Zarich, and Vit.


Hola Guys!

Hi guys, sorry we haven't posted in a while. I went skiing over the weekend so I wasn't able to post. But Here's some updates on chobots:
New Chobots Description!
On the homepage, they put a new description of chobots! Here's a pic:

New Stuff in the crown catalog!
There's 2 new backgrounds in the crown catalog and they're awesome! Here's the pics:

My Drawing was posted on the chobots blog!
I made a drawing of hiki, jessie2000, and tinagothic, and it was posted on the chobots main blog! Here's the link:

Woah! Thats a lot of updates hahaha.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Did you get reccomended?

Do you want to know if u got reccomended? Well, if u do, PC me on chobots!!! I can tell you if you were reccomended, and how many people reccomended u. I can also tell u who reccomended you too. If you can't find me on chobots to pc me, Email us at I'm checking the email over and over again and I will reply right away.
